Thursday, 16 August 2012

Classroom meeting. Teacher today: Luka

What are we doing well?
Noise level
Calendar art is looking amazing
Taking care of the iPads
Showing we are responsible at learning time
Cleaning up our classroom

What can we work on?
Making sure that we are finishing our literacy tasks on time
The math class who are using out class making sure their books go in the wrong place.
Focusing when we are all together as a class on the mat
Cleaning up our classroom.  It is getting better, but there is still room for improvement

So what will we do about it?
Not always sitting with our friends when it is literacy time so that we can focus more easily
Sitting next to people at mat time who don't distract us
People in our class could remind the math class about our expectations.

Class nominations this week: School value of commitment and effort
Cameron for being committed to being a literacy cop
Danielle for showing committment to the netball team even through she was sick
Tom for comitting to being a literacy cop
Luka for being committed to being the class teacher
Paige for putting lots of effort into her work
Ethan for committing to touch rugby
Mr George for committing his dinosaurs to pay the literacy cops
Molly for putting lots of effort into researching her speech.

Winner today: TOM!

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